Become a Volunteer

Will help in the following areas: Teach to elementary and high school children. Teach basics to elementary children. Food preparation and serving food to the children.

Provide lessons in personal hygiene.


Thayi Mane is blessed to be supported by many volunteers and well wishers. However, inspite of their support, we are barely managing to cater to the needs of our chidren. We would be grateful to any individual or organization who is willing to support us by.


Thayi Mane is housed in a small building in Mullur Village in the midst of a well established neighborhood. The children, in addition to being brought up as a family, are also taught civic values so that they can live amicably with the neighboring community.

Welcome to Thayimane

Thayi Mane, a children's home for orphan and destitute children was established in 2007. It provides a warm, safe, loving home to them where the children can grow up to be happy, well rounded individuals. To help simulate a family environment, house mothers reside and serve as substitute mothers for the children. At present we have 120 children residing in the home varying from ages 6 to 20. Our vision is to serve, love and uplift the less priviledged. Thayi Mane is recognized by the Women and Child Welfare department of Karnataka state government. Unlike some other institutions, we accept children of all faiths and provide all facilities free of cost.
